How it feel to be a professional artist

This art blog is for the all parents, guardian and readers who love to know more about art therapy within art.
People who love reading and want to understand art closely should read this will help us to be motivated and write more in future.
1. Art is a fun challenge
A journey to create something new whenever we want, converting whatever we want into a piece of paper is what art is, and that’s the feeling of an artist. Life creates various huddles in one’s life, that same huddle can be created into the drawing and painting of one’s perspective, Art gives peace to your mind. It creates a different level of understanding of what we see around in daily life. An artist does limited things for his concentration he/she listen, Observes, and Creates. Maybe someone else has their own way of understanding and learning it,, but basic should never change. Artist doesn’t have wings, Still, they fly high with their artistic approach that’s to stick with the basic as mentioned earlier be ready to create, for new challenges. You and your artwork should be imperfect. Artists are not artists until they don’t create something weird. Not getting bored with what you’re doing in art let you feel what artist really are. Drawing and painting are a process of learning new things, so true but waiting patiently is the key. However, no one is a born artist your interest, passion towards something does matter, that’s what an artist feels sometimes bored, not to get new things for learning this is what all artists feel, not getting all the learning at a time. It’s not that someone doesn’t want you to learn, but the truth is that your patience is always tested. Do understand we can’t limit your thoughts, converting your creativity is unimaginable.
Feeling to be an artist is phenomenal, look around you each and everything is art either created by god or man-made, but is created with all heart, passion, and dedication.
2. Creative Power
To begin with Art making, it is the most powerful tool one own, it makes us happy and joyful, When you start your art learning journey, the creatively comes along with you. Learning without or without guidance always depend on your own perspective, but it helps either way, that is it creates a new dimension to your life and to your painting.
However, Young art beginners need time and patience to develop their creative power initially. Over the year we all have learned this creativity is linked within our teaching system, We have to create a learning and teaching environment around us, so that students can explore new things as well. We’re applying new things from our experience, whether the inputs are provided by our students during the sessions, helped us to be more creative as a team. Actually, it is fair enough to say that this power comes from interest towards the art, from interacting with students during the class. We all learn it from each other.
Most importantly, creative power can’t be possessed by birth, off course some do have god gifted natural talent while others create it over the years.
Art learning need discipline, which is directly connected with the process of art learning or by applying it to your drawing and paintings.
It’s easy to give up at some point of time while creating art, but the discipline helps in creating those beautiful art works. We will be definitely be letting you know the value of discipline in art learning and teaching in future blogs.
In conclusion, Creative minds are those minds which never let you stop learning anything.
4. How art takes best out of you?
When in the beginning we start with something new,
we take time to adjust with new teachers with new curriculum.
However, different teachers have different ways of teaching, the most common you have noticed among all is random teaching any topic any color medium any day. Now why i said this above-mentioned teaching style because it never takes the best out of the students.
In school a student gives his entire year learning repetitively same topics and concepts as it is curriculum based learning we never complaints. The same applies here until students are not taking different challenges and learning opportunities of a particular Stage or group, how a teacher should take the best out of it.
Practicing art work doing homework being regularly to class and enjoying art learning courage.
That’s the same, we are looking for those developments at a very young age.
Do remember, “Art takes the best out of you, every time you start drawing”.
Art takes out the best of you when you are determined.
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.
How it feel to be a professional artist
A journey to create something new whenever we want,converting whatever we want into a peice of paper is what art is, and that’s the feeling of an artist. Life creates varies huddle in one’s life, that same huddle can be created into the drawing and painting of one’s perspective, Art gives a peace to your mind.
Pencil Shading
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.
Pencil Shading
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.